Penggerebekan Teroris [desa Kepuh Sari] Solo, Jawa Tengah,

Wartawan dari Media Indonesia, Joglo Semar,,,, hingga METRO TV dan Reporter dari TVOne nampak sedang bersiap menyiarkan kejadian secara Live
sebuah bom aktif meledak pagi² di Sekitar Solo Utara (mojosongo)

saya belum tahu sebelumnya,,,, tapi kemarin malam [kata warga sekitar] jam 10.00pm waktu setempat ,,,, lalu pagi tadi jam 5.30am kurang lebihnya,,, rumah yang digrebek tim GEGANA + polisi itu meledak,,,, 3orang laki² dan 1 orang perempuan tewas,,,, rumah yang disangka dipakai sbagai tempat persembunyian teroris itu,,,, meledak hancur,,,, berikut foto² yang sempat saya ambil,,,,

foto langsung penggerebekan rumah teroris di Kepuh Sari, Pelangi, Mojosongo, Solo, Jawa Tengah LIVE pagi ini

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한국 Korea Nationality Song 애국가 제창 [Aegukka Jechang]

동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록
donghae mulkoa baekdu sani mareugo dalhdorok

하느님이 보우하사 우리나라 만세
haneunimi bou hasa uri nara manse

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
mugunghoa sam~ cheon ri hoa ryeo gang san

대한사람 대한으로 길이 보전하세
daehan saram daehaneuro giri bojeonhase

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LAPTOP GRATIS !!! khusus bulan ini, ayo Daftar dan dapatkan FREE NoteBook

siapa yang mau laptop GRATIS???? [pertanyaanku retoris]

langsung saja
bagi yang ingin laptop gratis,,,, ada situs dari USA 미국 yang menyediakan shipping dan pemBAGIan laptop,,, coba saja,,, caranya cukup mudah,, daftar dan langsung ikuti cara mainnya

Setelah daftar kan ada tampilan seperti berikut :

tinggal klik inbox dan klik link yang tersedia (message)
dalam message itu ada link, klik saja sampai ada tulisan your have 1 credit (besarnya kredit dapat dicek dimenu main... setelah complete maka anda dapat memilih salah satu hadiah (laptop)

ada Sony
ada MacBook,,, terserah ,,, SELAMAT MENCOBA,,,

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internetan di UNISRI gratis,,, ga diblok,,, bisa buka macem² loh,,,, tapi kok >>> PLEASE enter WEP 64-bit /128-bit key ,,,, 아 ,,,,

wah,,,, mulai detik ini di UPT kantornya internetan cepet,,, lihat saja hasilnya,,, ini baru seperberapanya lo,,,

Hari ini mungkin adalah great day,,, tapi bagi sebagian orang mungkin saja menjadi hari yang menjengkelkan,,,, 하하하,,,,
Bagaimana tidak?

coba bayangkan,,, saat kita baru asyikkk asik Fesbukan (facebook-an) e,,,, malah internet nya 인터넷 putus ,,,,, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

tapi memang itulah yang dialami orang² / mahasiswa di tempat dimana aku Prakerin (Praktek Kerja industri) hmmmm,,,,,, biasanya bawa laptop (notebook) langsung konek ko,,,, sekarang tidak bisa ya???? malah ditanyain (Please enter 64-bit WEP key) aduhhhhhhhhh,,,, apa lagi ini,,,,,
ya mungkin saja coba² a,,,,, ngawur password 하하하,,,

Tunggu dulu kakak 기다려 누나 ,,, / 형 ,,, mulai detik ini,,, kakak tidak bisa internetan sesuka hati,,,, apalagi buka situs² yang TITTTTTTT***************** (sensored) ,,,, kakak harus tanya password dulu ke kami,,, baru kakak bisa internetan lagi ,,,, haha,,,,

쥐성함니다 ,,,,,

Jangan marah,,, ini untuk kebaikan bersama,,, myspace graphic comments
Good Day Graphic Comments

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PENUH KEBERUNTUNGAN ~ OLIMPIADE BEIJING 2008년 8월 8일 ,,, bagaimana Olimpiade Inggris nanti


untunglah diselenggarakannya menurut kepercayaan mereka pada '' keberuntungan angka 8 '' benar² terjadi,,,, bagaimana tidak?

2008년 8월 8일 hari yang dipenuhi dengan angka serba 8 itu tanggal 8 bulan 8 tahun '08 ditambah lagi acara dimulai pukul 8 lebih 08 menit (waktu setempat) malah 5 kali angka delapan,,,, membawa keberuntungan,,,, mata dunia tertuju pada negara terbesar penduduknya itu (중국 ) dengan ibukotanya Beijing 베이징 ,,,

sanggup mengalihkan perhatian Dunia ini,,,, OLIMPIADE TERBESAR + TERMEWAH + TER--- LUAR BIASA ,,,, BERHASIL Diselenggarakan China,,, sehingga dapat dinyatakan olimpiade tersebut menjadi olimpiade yang paling bergengsi ,,,,

China telah (bERHASIL) mematok STANDAR PENYELENGGARAAN OLIMPIADE TERBAIK DAN TERMEWAH kepada dunia,,,, dan bagaimana dengan Olimpiade Inggris 2012 nanti? England Olympic 2012 영국 올림픽 2012년 ,,,

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9-9-9 (2009년 9월 9일) hari serba 9 GREAT nine day

오늘을 2009년 9월 9일 hari yang sangat ditunggu² sebagian orang banyak yang menginginkan dilangsungkannya suatu acara pada hari tersebut,,,

misalnya acara pernikahan, ulang tahun 생일 , anniversary atau apapun acaranya,,,
apalagi orang yang berulang tahun hari ini pasti sangat bangga 'TRIPLE nine 9 day' ,,,

kita lihat saja tahun 2008 lalu,,, 2008년 8월 8일 ( 8 - 8 - 8 ) hari serba 8 pada tahun tersebut (kalender masehi) Olimpiade Beijing (Beijing Olympic ) 베이징 얼림픽 게임 diselenggarakan mengambil saat musim panas, bulang ke-8 tanggal 8 tahun '08 (2008 AD) bahkan acara dimulai pukul 8.08PM 오후 waktu setempat ,,,, orang orang 중국 China yakin angka 8 adalah angka keberuntungan 'lucky number' sehingga merekapun memakai kesempatan emas ini untuk menciptakan suasana yang penuh keberuntungan, kemegahan, bahkan kedahsyatan yang mereka berhasil tunjukan kepada Dunia 세상에 ,,,,

hal itu juga terbukti dari Sejarah penyelenggaraan Olimpiade diseluruh dunia yang dinyattakan PALING LUAR BIASA adalah olimpiade Beijing 2008 di China 중국 ,,, dan dunia melihat penjuru Asia Timur ini mulai mem ' BOOM ' dunia,,,, dan jika dilihat memang semuanya serba beruntung dan "BLESSED" karena kurang lebih sebulan setelah itu ada Krisis ekonomi (ECONOMY CRISIS) diseluruh dunia,,, "BERUNTUNG SAJA OLIMPIADE SUDAH BERLANGSUNG ",,, CHINA TELAH MEMATOK STANDAR PENYELENGGARAAN OLIMPIADE TERMEWAH,,, [KOMPAS]

tahun 2007 lalu hal yang sama terjadi 2007년 7월 7일 (7 - 7 - 07 ) 7 juli 2007 ,,, di seluruh penjuru kota Solo 솔로 saya melihat banyak sekali acara entah itu pernikahan, perjodohan, pertunangan, pemberkatan nikah, pembukaan sekolah dan sebagainya,,, dilakukan,,, apakah ini memang pertanda hari yang baik?

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Trail Running Shoes on ShopWiki.Com

What's the difference between a basic running shoe and a trail runner? The construction, materials and design. These three elements will make a big difference in the feel, fit and durability of this quintessential piece of equipment for the avid outdoor runner.

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The key features of trail running shoes, which you will clearly note once you begin shopping around, are the following:

  • A thick, stiff, heavy-duty sole that can take a pounding.

  • Aggressively styled treads that are made to grip rough terrain. Look for directional or reverse treads for downhill running.

  • Breathable, waterproof fabric and a combination of strong mesh and leather.

  • An EVA or PU midsole built either for stability, motion control or cushioning. Polyurethane is usually stiffer and heavier than EVA, and thus lasts longer.

  • A variable lacing system on some models to provide a customized fit.

How to Choose

The flashy new racer or the mundane, yet comfy classics? Style and color is entirely personal and nobody can tell a runner which shoes will be best for him or her depending on these factors. However, like when buying any pair of shoes, the most important things to consider are comfort, fit, and functionality.
  • Comfort:Nothing beats a hands-on comparison. If there is a sport store in your local area, try and take a visit to sample the stock. Knowledgable salespeople can be a great help when choosing a shoes. Anyone can tell you about new models and what everyone calls "the best," but "the best" is variable and depends on the individual. When possible, get the salesperson with actual experience as a trail runner for the best advice.

  • Fit: Trail runners should fit snugly but not tightly. Remember that your feet will swell more once you start exercising, so a variable lacing system makes for a great fit most of the time. Other than the fit across the top of the foot, you'll also want a decent length. When standing, bend your knees and make sure that your toes don't hit the front of the shoe. They should just barely brush up against it and have plenty of room for wiggling. Also make sure that the heel fits snugly. Lastly, be certain that the inner sole offers enough support whether you tend to over or under pronate.

    • Orthotics will help pronators, or those with flat feet. Usually, pronators should opt for stability or motion control shoes.

    • Those who supinate (or put more weight on the outer edge of the foot) should look for cushioned shoes.

  • Functionality: Just looking at a shoe can give you an insight into what it can offer.

    • Evaluate your running style and what you run on.

      • Do you take long runs or short ones? The longer runs you take, the sturdier a shoe you'll need. Choose EVA midsoles for sprinting short distances and a PU one if you are a distance runner.

      • What's the terrain like? The more intense the terrain is, the more cushioning you'll want. Usually, the stiffer the better. For ultra protection, look for shoes with a strike plate. Flexible soles are best reserved for smoother trails.

      • Like rocks? Rock hoppers should look for gummier soles that will provide extra traction on slippery, smooth rocks.

      • Rubber toe bumpers can be a great help for people who tend to stub their toes on roots and rocks.

    • Look at the sole.

      • How wide is it? The wider it is, the better it will be at tackling rocks, roots and other obstacles.

      • How deep are the treads? Deep treads help grip in mud or on slick rocks. If mud is a must, soles that are self-cleaning are best so that the gunk won't build up and slow you down.

      • How thick is it? A thicker the sole usually means more cushioning, but also more weight. Determine what you need most; speed and agility or more bounce in your step. Thinner soles will allow you to rip up the dirt and dig hard. Thicker soles will absorb shock and reduce stress on joints.

    • Look at the material.

      • Is it waterproof? This is a must with any trail running shoe. Gore-Tex is a popular water-resistant material.

      • Is it breathable? Ideal for warm weather running. Look for nylon and mesh for hot and dry conditions. If you plan to run through any creeks, remember that mesh is great for drainage.

      • How easy is it to clean? If you care about this sort of thing, you should ask.

      • Does it offer any technology that the other shoes don't that make it more worthwhile? These usually come with a higher price tag. Only you can decide what is worth the money.

    • Compare the new and old models.

      • It may or may not be worth the money for the newer model depending on what alterations the manufacturer has made to improve the shoe.

      • Do your research on upgrades that have been made to a model on manufacturer's Web sites. It may give you some insight to why the $120 pair are better than the reduced price pair.

Top Models

Outside magazine does a yearly gear roundup of the best of the best outdoor recreation equipment, including trail running shoes. Below is a sampling of what they have deemed as praise-worthy. Also see's top 10 trail running shoes. Their number one pick is Brooks Trail Addiction.

For Men

Vasque Blur

Adidas Climacool Cardrona

Timberland Endurion

La Sportiva Crossroads

Merrell Overdrive

For Women

Keen Ochoco

Teva X-1/C

Salomon Trail Comp

Asics Gel-Eagle Trail V

Related Buying Guides

International Resources

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NL: Sportschoenen Shopgids

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