Rupiah menguat 루빙ㅎ INCREASED
kabar luar biasa dari pasar regional Asia yang juga menguat menggairahkan pasar Indonesia juga. ini juga ditopang beberapa hal seperti :
- Indonesia sudah mulai sadar akan kualitas produk local yang juga sangat baik.
- Indonesia mengadakan Sanghai Agreement dengan PRC minggu ke 3 March ini. Dengan menggunakan valas pribadi dengan Rupiah dan Yuan PRC, ini membuat mereka sadar... ternyata jika tidak banyak menggunakan US$ tapi diganti dengan mata uang masing² negara, justru AKAN MEMBUAT MATA UANG TERSEBUT MENGUAT! It's Precious look like...
- Para investor Asia mulai bergairah karena 5 hari terakhir ini menunjukan penguatan yang significant baik Valas Asia, maupun Index masing² negara.
tercatat di Bursa Asia :
Index Nikkei 225 Japan di level 8,465
Index Hangseng, Hongkong di level 13,866
Index KOSPI, Seoul di level 1,221
IHSG, Indonesia di level 1,441
rata² menguat 3% lebih ^_^ ... common investor Asia, Yeh, we can...
Trust.. it' can be :
Nikkei 225 in level 9,560 in April 2009
Hangseng, in level 16,750 in April 2009
KOSPI in Level 1,511 in April 2009
IHSG in Level 1,992 in April 2009
In 5 days before, it's seem Rupiah in Level 11,960 in Tuesday, March 24 it's seem 11,290.... WOW it's possitive..
It's so abreasted with South Korea Government that have more cooperation with UNI-Europe, East Asian Country like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, etc. That show to every us, it's time that get it started to Grow Up in Economic, and be great Economic. The Economic crisis has DONE...
so,... it's Trust and It's real... come on 감사함니다
もしもし 谢谢 加油
11:25 AM | | 1 Comments
Learn to say "CAN"
For many Years olympic perform, the expert of athletic declared that there is impossible that a sprinter can run for 1 mile in 4 minute (Note : 1 mile = 1,609 km). The athletic expert make many observation to show that it's too impossible to run 1 mile in 4 minute. And for many years, their observation is true, that nothing one sprinter that can run for 1 mile in 4 minute. But, someday a young man appear, that He not believe for suggestion from the expert. He not believe for Impossibility . He rejecting all negative word, and making a castle in his thinking. He start in training, with trust that he will clucthed that record. That's true, one day he can successfully run for 1 mile in 4 minute. He do what thing that the expert said will not can to do . The young man name's is Roger Bannister that clucthed that record. He success to make history in athletic world. And the most incredibble again, in 10 years after Roger Bannister clucthed that record, there is 336 other Sprinter that can be successful clucthed record 4 minute too! Think about that. 400 years, athletic that recorded from Statistic of the expert, there is no one can run 1 mile on 4 minute or less; but in one decade, there are more than 300 people from all geographic location can do it. What's the happen? It's simple. The obstruction for running 1 mile in 4 minute there is on the athlete think. For many years, the sprinter believe what that the expert said. There are one man that not want to believe off hand this teory , and do the effort to clucthed it, there is be something that possible to do. All it's started with say " CAN "
When we said "CAN Not " we will not sturgle and effort to do it, it's same with we has give up before effort (work). But, when we say "CAN" then we will sturgle, effort and pray so that we can seriously do it, and with Lord help plus Lord power we possitively can success. Brave to say "CAN" for everything that appropriate with desire and Word of God will making many miracle on our life, it cause same as to give permission God that 'unlimited' to work and do the impossible thing in our life.
When Ps. Obaja abreast in IQ test for getting him Indonesian Nationality, after through many test and fill many form, a few days after the result out. Ps. Obaja still remember it that the result for IQ test, there is word : "This person cannot (impossible ) to be LEADER." The IQ test is true, that not wrong, just that time impossible to be a Leader with his many things in that time. But, when Ps. Obaja receive Lord Yesus, He changed, he restored, he called and choosen by God for be shepherd. and the real until this time Ps. Obaja can be a leader. So, let's don't say " can not ", or also we are Son of God that Powerfull, we created likely God self, in our self there is power and authority, so there is nothing impossible for every us, if we want to seriously sturgling for do it! Let every us learn to say "CAN, because LOrd" then the Miracle and authority from the Lord will be real in our Life. Philipians 4 : 13 ' All things can guaranted of mine in Him that give me strength '.
감사함니다 加油 GBU ㄱ부
11:10 AM | | 0 Comments
The Right Man in The Right Place
A Bridge range long rush past a grand river. That bridge is only one which connect land between city that everyday through by student and all people in that city. Behind greatness of the bridge, power of pondation, and thickness of iron framework that shore it up, there is thousand little screw that connect one by one iron framework. The little screw is not to protrude, but that sector is so important in that construction for support bridge burden. Without that screw, there is not stand up great bridge like that. Although screw is small things that look not precious, but if there screw placed in right place, that screw is so most important and meaningful. But if there is one screw only that loose or not in their place of the bridge, the bridge will not strength again, or can make the bridge strength not perfect for shore it up.
Lord, have divine aim for every us. Before we shaped, God have give the beautiful plan and potention for us to do our special work in this world. And Lord, perform every people in this world for fill many different possition with different task too. Indeed, one person that feeling not worth and not have any ability, substantively have potention / useful for his special task in this world. Only, one person that feel not useful, he not knew if him self have been created for a special task. Every people that completing one by another with their task. Every people having fungtion one by another and no one that will acquire / getting success if he not in his place (changed possition) from what htat God placed for him. Someone that have been in him right place, appropriate with divine purpose, grace, miracle, talent, and hobbies, will success on him work. We all is part of Christ' body, that completing one by another with special task, and grace one by another.
Possibility, we feel like "small" people before Lord. Our work, may be not protrude and our grace we have not too bring impact that too meaningful. But, we are one of part grandiose bridge, one small screw that so useful for unite iron framework. What small it, LORD has determine every us one by another appropriate by fungtion and special place in His plan for this world. We are one part in Christ' body that indivisible and all USEFUL part.
So, let's understanding what is talent that God has give for us and let's started with placed our self in right place, appropriate with talent that Lord has give in our life, so that every us will be useful and completing Christ' body part to be an full unity and approve of before God. God Bless!!! 감사함니다 加油
12:46 PM | | 0 Comments
March 9, 2009 in Grojogan Sewu Waterfall
i'm just want to share for my experience. After in Pablengan (in post before), i'm and my friend (Tito) continued our holiday in Grojogan Sewu Waterfall. It's Javanese name too, that have mean Thousand Waterfall. The located is 13km from Pablengan Water Source. And from Solo if use motorcycle we can go to Grojogan Sewu waterfall with approximately 1 hour 45 minutes. Not to Far....
This is Cool Place in Central Java, Indonesia. With the temprature 15°to 26°Celcius. More Cool than Solo. There is much monkey in this place. We can interactive with them, but it's many warning to do it. We must know that a few of them can stole our things. By Example, the monkey ever stole a digital camera from visitor, cell phone, and other. But we will not see that, if we not disturb them.
So... come and enjoy it. Only information, the Ticket is too cheap... for domestic visitors Rp 6000 , for foreign visitors Rp 19000 (US $1-2) . But if you look like Indonesian, South East Asian, or Japanese, Chinese, or Korean and You can speak in Indonesian fluently, you can only paid like domestic visitors (Rp 6000).
You can say :
untuk satu orang (for one people ) > (paid) Rp 6000
untuk dua orang (for 2 people) > (paid) Rp 12000
HEHE (practice it)
11:03 AM | | 0 Comments
March 9, 2009 holiday in Pablengan
Yesterday, I with My Friend was enjoyed my holiday on Karanganyar. We start from home at 8.46am. And we go to that place by motorcycle. From Solo through Palur, Karanganyar, and Matesih. We came to Matesih in location 'Sapta Tirta Pablengan' in approximately 9.30am , it's name of Javanese with mean Seven Water Pablengan. There is Seven Water Source that having sulphur in that Water. So wonderful look like.
The People in localize believe that it's can be make our body more healthy, heal from pain, Acne, itchiness, rheumatic, etc. The place have shaped like park with many water source. There is Sumber air Bleng (Bleng Water Source), Sumber air Kasekten (Kasekten Water Source), Sumber air Mati (Dead Water Source), Sumber air Urus-urus (Urus-urus Water Source), Sumber air Hangat (Warm Water Source), Sumber air Hidup (Life Water Source), Sumber air Soda (Soda Water Source).
THe seven water source have meaning one by one.
1. Sumber air Bleng (Bleng Water Source)
the water of this water source have function as material of making food (traditional food) called 'karak/kerupuk'
2. Sumber air Kasekten (Kasekten Water Source)
THe water trusted for increase power and sanctify body.
3. Sumber air Mati (Dead Water Source)
The water always still, not increase or decrease. Note : We cannot use this water from Sumber air mati to bath, washing face, or drink it.
4. Sumber air Urus-urus (Urus-urus Water Source)
The Water used to smoothing wee-wee like washer of stomach (stomach cleaner).
5. Sumber air hangat (Warm Source Water)
The Water trusted for sanctify the body, for dosing many skin disease (itchiness, rheumatic, etc)
6. Sumber air Hidup (Life Water Source)
The water use to wash face, so that the person ageless and seem younger.
7. Sumber air Soda (Soda Water Source)
The water drank like soda water. The taste is like Soda Water, but it's more nature. I'm try to drank it. And it's taste like Soda Water.
Trusted can heal many trouble sickness like : TBC, liver, etc.
This photo below at March 9, 2009 i'm came in this place. But my photo at bathroom cannot displayed :-) hehe (Sensored)... There is pavillion, bathroom that like spa bath pool for individual, and my photo with my friend and with security (Locket Man). Enjoy it and don't forget to comment...
In Ending, i'm only want to say. We can look many belief in this world. But don't forget The One, that's The Authority of our life ' Lord '. If we only trust in Him, cause Him that can heal all disease, heal our pain, etc. We only can said, it's okay, the water is a media, but YOU that can only HEAL me. 谢谢 GBU 加油
10:55 AM | | 0 Comments
Happy Daylight Saving March 9, 2009

Myspace Daylight Savings Comments & Graphics
Happy Daylight Saving ....
March 9, 2009

Myspace Daylight Savings Comments & Graphics

Myspace Daylight Savings Comments & Graphics
Complete Post, > Read More ......
1:24 PM | | 0 Comments
いあんふ IanFu di 慰安婦 Pulau Buru イアンフ
Pulau Buru, Kep. Maluku adalah tempat catatan sejarah pembuangan para IanFu, ada orang Jawa yang tinggal di sana, orang seluruh Indonesia juga dibawa ke Pulau Buru, Maluku untuk dijadikan Ianfu いあんふ, beberapa diantara mereka juga ada yang disuruh Romusha ろむしゃ (Kerja paksa). Ianfu sendiri adalah ' sebutan untuk perempuan budak s e x s u a l para tentara Japan dimasa penjajahan dulu '.
Moko Lomi, Nya Sengker dan puluhan ribu IanFu lainnya ketika ditanya tim observasi masih sempat melihat senyuman dibibir keriput mereka. Namun dibalik senyuman itu, tersimpan suatu aib tentang sejarah hidup mereka sebagai IanFu.
Tim observasi juga memiliki data ianfu dari badan statistik yang masih tersimpan. Yang ada didata tersebut berjumlah 22000 ianfu dari seluruh Indonesia, namun itu belum termasuk yang di Pulau Buru sendiri. Karena mengingat Japan dulu masuk ke Indonesia melalui pintu Indonesia Timur. Jadi tentu saja di Indonesia Timur sendiri memiliki banyak Ianfu.
Nyai Samber (kurang jelas terdengar), pernah ditemui seorang bapak yang sudah lama tinggal di Maluku tersebut, bapak tersebut mendengar ada orang disitu yang bicara logat Sunda. Bapak tersebut tanya, ibu orang Sunda ya....?, Bukan saya bukan orang Sunda, saya orang asli sini (menjawab seperti itu karena takur ketahuan kalau ada orang Sunda yang di Pulau Buru). Tapi bapak itu bertanya lagi ke ibu tadi, ibu teh jangan takut, saya teh juga orang Sunda. O... gitu ya pak, tolong jangan kasih teu orang-orang kalau saya teh orang Sunda' , Iya teh....
Ternyata yang lebih mengejutkan lagi, Tim observasi juga menemukan Bekas ianfu yang berasal dari South Korea, sekarang tinggal di Bal-balu, kecamatan Air Buaya. Pemerintah Bal-balu menemui suatu kejanggalan saat Sensus penduduk di Bal-balu, pemerintah setempat melihat adanya perbedaan seperti Tinggi badan yang lebih dari orang pribumi, mata yang sipit, kulit yang kuning, serta kecerdasan intelektual yang lebih dari orang pribumi membuat pemerintah curiga asal-usulnya, bayangkan saja South Korea yang dijajah Japan (日本) tersebut dari 1942 dibawa dari South Korea ke Pulau Buru. Jauh dari family, dsb。
Dan saat ini juga masih ada Ianfu dari Korea yang dibawa ke Japan dan belum kembali ke South Korea. Dan 2008 kemarin melakukan aksi protes didepan Embassy of South Korea, Tokyo.
Mardjiah dan seorang perempuan lain juga diundang tim observasi ke suatu tempat di Ambon. Disana telah berkumpul orang dari lembaga International yang menangani kasus ianfu tersebut. Lembaga dari Osaka, Japan tersebut yang mengundang tim observasi dari Jakarta untuk membantu observasi para Ianfu. Mereka turut ingin mengumpulkan berbagai bukti yang real untuk diserahkan kepada Pengadilan Tinggi Japan atas kasus Ianfu tersebut oleh tentara Japan di Indonesia 1942 - 1945
Waktu-waktu ini sudah banyak mulai demo di Embassy of Japan di Jakarta. Ada yang membawa poster ' Jugun IanFu ' , dsb. Moderator EmyHindarni sebagai observator juga menyatakan Japan harus membayar hutang pada Indonesia karena banyak sekali Ianfu yang menjadi korban, mereka berjanji mau memberi kompensasi pada Ianfu tersebut. Namun sekarang masih ada juga yang belum dapatnya. Yang parah juga termasuk 1997, para pejabat Indonesia mau menerima uang ¥380,000,000 atau Rp 7 miliar.
Tentunya kasihan para Ianfu tersebut. Saya juga turut mendukung gerakan tersebut. biarlah Pengadilan Japan mengeluarkan Undang-undang untuk menindaklanjuti perbuatan tersebut. 谢谢 加油 Need Your Comment below もしもし GBU モシモシ
11:11 AM | | 0 Comments
sekarang waktunya untuk ...
memang patut diacungi jempol, Indonesia bangsa yang memiliki banyak talent, banyak budaya, dan banyak SDA yang luar biasa banyaknya, hanya SDM kita yang belum optimal 100%. Jika dibuat perbandingan Indonesia 43% saja. Tapi jika dibandingkan dengan Jepang yang termasuk maju, kreatif, penuh inovasi, dsb. Moral bangsa Indonesia masih lebih unggul yaitu 88% baik.
Di Jepang, anak yang berusia Sekolah Dasar sudah diajarkan untuk kreatif. dan inovatif, sebagai contoh mereka di beri Modal ¥1000 untuk membuat roti, lalu mereka dituntut untuk menjual lebih tinggi dari modal tersebut. misalnya ¥1250. sekalipun untungnya sedikit tetap harus melebihi modal.
Di Inggris juga punya prinsip, pakai produk dalam negri. jika ada produk luar negri, mereka tidak mau memakainya. Dan ini juga menimbulkan nasionalisme yang tinggi. Tetapi di Indonesia sendiri malah tidak begitu cinta produk dalam negri. Produk luar malah diinginka karena menambah gengsi. Tidak seperti di Inggris, dan sekarang diikuti Japan, dan South Korea.
Ada Kesaksian dari Ps. Obaja tentang tamu dari Korea di Solo beberapa minggu kemarin (minggu ke 3 February, 2009). Mereka bilang... "pak Obaja, kok pakai Plasma TV yang buatan Japan? kenapa tidak pakai dari Korea pak? TV dari Korea lebih bagus.... " wah... jauh²dari South Korea ke Solo juga tetap memiliki Nasionalisme yang tinggi lo.... Patut diacungi jempol.
Contoh tadi memang real (Nyata) jadi,,, patut kita terapkan di Indonesia. Kenapa tidak beli Produk dalam negri? Kualitasnya juga baik kok... Tapi produsen juga tidak boleh membanding²kan. Pas yang beli Orang Indonesia diberi yang kualitasnya biasa saja. Kalau yang untuk Export malah diberi yang baik. Jadi ya harus sama. Yang Beli siapa saja, untuk dalam atau luar negri ya tetap berikan kualitas yang TERBAIK. Konsumen juga jangan memilih gengsi dulu, sebab kita harus memberkati sesama Orang kita dulu. baru setelah tempat kita tidak ada, kita baru boleh beli dari luar.
Bagaimana pendapat kamu? Comment ya.... 谢谢 加油 もしもし
11:09 AM | | 0 Comments
March 1 incident Yogyakarta
yesterday March 1, 2009 in Yogyakarta there was an incident to remember about Sturgling of Yogyakarta people to fighting over the independence of Indonesia from Netherlands authority. This event is celebrate by people from four point of Yogyakarta (include from Parangtritis) that they come to the Monument ' serangan umum 1 Maret ' in centre of Yogyakarta.
Uniquely, They come using bicycle. They come with bicycle cause Yogyakarta want to called by Bicycle city, it's so describe city with modernization but still want to save the planet from Global Warming. [wow.... it's wonderful, if Solo do it too]. They also describe it too remember fighting over the Independence from Enemies authority. The difference is in past the enemies is Netherlands. But now the enemies is Global Warming.
The Government said that Using Bicycle is usefully cause Give us best and cheap physical exercise. it's also to prevent Global Warming, cause the polution of Vehicle (motorcycle, bus, and other transportation that use machine) that give polution that make the air not fresh again. The Government also urging every student of school, student of university, and worker to using bicycle for activities everyday. [ it's good idea and to applied in Solo]
The one of University in Yogyakarta that have applied it is University of Gajah Mada (UGM). They all (The University Student, University Employee, Head of University, The University Instructor) not allowed to Using Motorcycle or Car to Entering the area of University. So, there is any boundary limits (limited area) for Vehicle.
I think, we must do it to. It's good participate to prevent the Global Warming. So, Why about you? need your respond and comment... 加油 谢谢 もしもし
11:04 AM | | 0 Comments