The Right Man in The Right Place
A Bridge range long rush past a grand river. That bridge is only one which connect land between city that everyday through by student and all people in that city. Behind greatness of the bridge, power of pondation, and thickness of iron framework that shore it up, there is thousand little screw that connect one by one iron framework. The little screw is not to protrude, but that sector is so important in that construction for support bridge burden. Without that screw, there is not stand up great bridge like that. Although screw is small things that look not precious, but if there screw placed in right place, that screw is so most important and meaningful. But if there is one screw only that loose or not in their place of the bridge, the bridge will not strength again, or can make the bridge strength not perfect for shore it up.
Lord, have divine aim for every us. Before we shaped, God have give the beautiful plan and potention for us to do our special work in this world. And Lord, perform every people in this world for fill many different possition with different task too. Indeed, one person that feeling not worth and not have any ability, substantively have potention / useful for his special task in this world. Only, one person that feel not useful, he not knew if him self have been created for a special task. Every people that completing one by another with their task. Every people having fungtion one by another and no one that will acquire / getting success if he not in his place (changed possition) from what htat God placed for him. Someone that have been in him right place, appropriate with divine purpose, grace, miracle, talent, and hobbies, will success on him work. We all is part of Christ' body, that completing one by another with special task, and grace one by another.
Possibility, we feel like "small" people before Lord. Our work, may be not protrude and our grace we have not too bring impact that too meaningful. But, we are one of part grandiose bridge, one small screw that so useful for unite iron framework. What small it, LORD has determine every us one by another appropriate by fungtion and special place in His plan for this world. We are one part in Christ' body that indivisible and all USEFUL part.
So, let's understanding what is talent that God has give for us and let's started with placed our self in right place, appropriate with talent that Lord has give in our life, so that every us will be useful and completing Christ' body part to be an full unity and approve of before God. God Bless!!! 감사함니다 加油
12:46 PM
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