Yesterday, October 30, 2008 i'm and my friend went to SIEM (Solo International Ethnic Music) 2008. It's 3rd day from 5th day festival. The concert on SIEM venue was pending, because it's become Rain. At 9.54pm the rain was poured for visitors. But i'm with my friend didn't sad... :-)
We continue it to the 'pendopo' Mangkunegaran palace. We go to 'pendopo' and take photos in 'gamelan' place.
This is our photo : Enjoy yehh.... ^^
for more information click www.siemfestival.com
5:50 PM | Labels: 2008, October 28 to November 1, World Heritage Cities SIEM 2008 | 0 Comments
Tips and Trik Tutorial avoiding Virus
Are your Computer using Windows (XP, or another)? Lazy to updating your antivirus? Any problem with viruses? Or Afraid virus? i’m sorry, I’m not Click System Restore Tab, checkbox Turn off System Restore on all drives click Apply and OK b. Start > Run > write “ gpedit.msc “ To run Group Policy. And then Click Computer configuration > Administrative Templates > System > System Restore There is two choice : Turn off System Restore > Enable > Click Apply and OK, and so do it for Turn off Configuration Tab c. Start > Run > “ msconfig “ Click Service Tab > go to System Restore Service > Uncheck it Apply and OK > Windows will displaying a Message Box to Restart or Exit without Restart After restart your computer, you must turn off autoplay. Autoplay (AutoRun) usually used by Viruses to Auto Execution when Removable disk plugged. 2. Turn off AutoRun (Autoplay) Click Start > Run > gpedit.msc And then click Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Turn off Autoplay > Enable > Turn on Autoplay on > Click All drives So do it too on User Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Turn off Autoplay > Enable > Click All drives That is step by step for minimalism Virus spreading, but if need more efficiency. Try this step below : 3. if your Computer harddisk not infected, you can install Protective Anti Virus to prohibit (minimalism) some virus attack your computer and get some protection. Like Norton AV, Kaspersky 7 or later. 4. If you have an infected disk (Flash or hard disk) you can deleting the suspiciously object or file that you consider it is a virus like autorun.inf, executable folder or image , infected image, etc. If there are not displayed ‘Explore’ , choose ‘ Explore’ from Start / My Computer Run > cmd > write like it Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:\Documents and Settings\이용대>g: (appropriate with your disk that you want to view file) G:\>attrib -s -h *.* /s /d
Tutorial below can help you to Prohibiting your computer from Viruses Attack with 88 to 92 percent efficiency.
1. 쎠구 Turn off System Restore feature on 3 Place :a. Start > My Computer (Right Click) > Properties
After opened your Hard disk or flash disk from Explore, you can delete suspiciously file by Push (Shift + Del ) don’t click Del only.
5. If your file Hiden by Virus, you can show it again by :
Good Luck. Try it. Leave a comment please
9:20 AM | | 0 Comments
SPEEDY on SMK 2 Solo
Thursday, October 16, 2008 some Telkom Speedy official came to SMK N 2 Solo. They meet Mr. Kasmadi (the Master of TKJ) in front of ICT-SLO, to discussed about Speedy bandwith instalation on SMKN 2 Surakarta.
Saturday, October 18, 2008 SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta got free bandwidth from Telkom Speedy for first time, but this is i think.
After a few month, Mr. Kasmadi said, that our Speedy bandwidth is not free, but SMK 2 must pay plus minus $ 75 per month....
The Student of TKJ (Computer and Networking Technic) in Class II TKJ-C (Student Level 2) have an opportunity for trying Speedy bandwith on first time.
We from TKJ student of SMK 2 Solo said "Thank you so much Telkom for Speedy Bandwith 'Speedy, Speed that we can trust' "
3:41 PM | | 0 Comments
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, came to Bali October 18, 2008 for Opening Ceremony in Garuda Wishnu Kencana. Indonesia got 1st Gold Medal in 'Pencak Silat' Venue on Sunday, October 19, 2008.
Indonesia can be 1st champion on Asian Beach Game. October 23, 2008 Indonesia get 13 Gold Medals, followed by Thailand and Vietnam on 2nd and 3rd position.
Sponsored By :
3:31 PM | | 0 Comments
Solo World Heritage Cities Conference and Expo
Solo (wORLD hERITAGES cITIES cONFERENCE AND eXPO) WHCCE October 25 -- October 28, 2008 is International Event in Solo Cities who come with Javanese nuance.
This event represent Solo Traditional culture like Traditional Dance, Batik, Javanese cultural, and so on.
So let's go to Solo The Spirit of Java.
for more information visit www.whcsolo.com
2:19 PM | | 0 Comments
Childern Sites
Are you have a children ? Do you want your child can be smart?
With browsing internet, your children can learning with interesting, fun and enjoy. Because this side below is make for children learn.
You can visit this site by clicking this link below :
National Geographic for Kids
Discovery Channel for Kids
Nasa Kids Site
National Geographic for Kids
Fema for Kids
That site is English Language, if you want to Indonesian Learning site try clicking this link below:
Indonesian Kids learning
Click and Learn enjoy. Ciayou
4:29 PM | Labels: education | 1 Comments
Best friends ... ㅠㄷㄴㅅ ㄹ갸둥
when i'm walk, he always with me
when i'm fall, he give him HAND for raise me
when i'm sad, he give me love and care
when i'm glad, we smile together
when i'm happy, we laugh together
when i'm on road, he keep me concentrate
when i'm ride a motor, he keep me safety
when i'm get bless, we share it
When i'm have a dream, he support me and HELP ME TO REACH it
when i'm alone, he carry me and always in my side
when i'm need a hope place, he always there
when i'm need a share place, he always there
when i'm walk on mistakes, he guide me to the TRUE way
when i'm on badminton training, we fight shoulder to shoulder together
when i'm on badminton competition, we always support another and fight the enemies
when i'm have thegreatestdreaminmylife, he GIVE ME SPIRIT, STRENGTH, and TRUST. To, i can REACH it
when i'm have thebigwishesinmylife, he give me SPIRIT, STRENGTH, and TRUST. To, i can REACH it and SUPPORT me fight to the bitter end
when i'm RUN, he give me support and spirit
ㅛㅐㄴ데ㅗ ㅛㅐㅜㅎ ㅇㅁㄷ
9:12 AM | | 0 Comments
GaLABO -- GladAg LAngen BogAn SolO
GALABO (Gladag Langen Bogan Solo) the meaning on Indonesia is Pusat Jajanan Makanan /Boga Solo
is Food Court in Solo City, behind LojiWetan Solo, Indonesia
i'm have visit GALABO at Sunday, October 5 2008 with my Best Friend. The location of GALABO is so interesting for any people from children to old people. At this area we feel enjoy, we so easy to find because it is at Center of Solo City at East region on Jalan Slamet Riyadi.
In GALABO, we can meet traditional food and Special food like Sego Liwet, Nasi Uduk, Nasi Goreng (French Rice), and so on. We can meet modern food too like Chicken Steak, Spaghetti, and Barbeque food...
So let's go to Solo
LET's go to GALABO...
4:49 PM | | 0 Comments
Revolution changing of the World
Dunia lagi krisis gini.... :D apa yang terlintas di pikiran kita? Cuek, Fine² aja, atau... bingung apa itu krisis????? nggak penting ah... yang penting aku isa njalani hidup ini normal-normal aja seperti biasanya....
Heyyyy... Anda salah jika punya pikiran seperti itu. Emang krisis ini dampaknya tidak begitu terasa bagi kita apalagi saya yang misi umuran 16th ( ngapain mikir krisis, bikin stress)
. Tiap hari berita di TV atau di Newspaper atau di Internet yang saya dengar cuma IHSG anjlok ,
Dow Jones turun sekian % , Dollar nembus 10,000 rupiah. Yahh... Pusing ni mikir kaya' begituan.
Namun beberapa waktu terakhir saya ternyata bertemu my brother Jonathan Prawira di EPC, hal yang berbeda yang saya dengar. He said " dunia saat ini membutuhkan orang-orang yang benar-benar punya IQ tinggi, EQ tinggi untuk berlomba-lomba berkreasi dan berlari-lari saling mengejar untuk bisa bertahan di posisi yang tinggi " . Tentu saja perkataan brother aku dengar dan aku renungkan benar juga. Ada Contoh : Seorang Ibu yang merawat bahkan menddidik anak pada zaman dulu dengan zaman sekarang ternyata berbeda, banyak ibu yang berkata "lebih gampang mendidik anak zaman dulu, daripada zaman sekarang". Betul juga ya...
Saya sendiri melihat perkembangan IQ, EQ, dan SQ saya mengaku mama lebih 'menderita' karena mendidik aku :D pada saat sekarang ini dibanding dulu :-p
Ya... itu juga mengkin pengaruh pergaulan masa kini. Tapi kita tidak perlu kuatir .memang arus pergerakan global ini kita harus maju, maju, dan maju. Karena orang-orang yang cuma berpikir "Hidup untuk have fun aja, aku kan masih muda nikmatin dulu donk.... ngapain terlalu serius mikir masa depan.... kan masih lama", dan mereka yang cuma duduk diam dan nggak mau bergerak terus terang akan tertinggal dari dunia ini yang terus melaju.
Sekarang dampaknya dengan Krisis Dunia apa?
Krisis ini berdampak, orang yang IQ atau EQnya rendah (tidak mau dikembangkan atau tidak mau bergerak maju) mereka akan tertinggal dari Saya dan Kita yang selalu berjuang bergerak maju.
Saya sendiri siswa di TKJ (Teknik Komputer Jaringan) di Vocational School SMK2 Solo, sempat berpikir "kalau hidup cuma untuk have fun aja, atau cuma' gini² aja, pasti datangnya kesuksesan itu sulit"
Sebab beberapa waktu lalu, Kepala Program TKJ, M. Kasmadi waktu jam mengajar berkata " TKJ yang sekarang ini berbeda dengan 1 atau 2 tahun yang dulu. Tidak bisa dipastikan! ataupun memberikan sebuah kepastian(belum tentu akan sukses/mendapat pekerjaan yang mapan)"
Saya juga ndak ngarepin isa berkecimpung:-) di TKJ kok.... Saya sendiri punya visi di luar TKJ ini, saya pengen isa menuju ke suatu tempat dengan kendaraan "badminton". Saya punya mimpi untuk bisa jadi Player, like brother Lee Yong Dae (player from South Korea). Seperti C' Maria Kristin yang berkata setelah menang di Olympic Beijing 2008 "awalnya cuma' punya mimpi bisa main di Olimpiade, tapi ya.... sekarang bisa main, bahkan menang". Keduanya memotivasi saya untuk maju, maju, dan maju.... Aku sendiri commit "seberat apapun, kapan itu tiba, aku kan tetap berjuang dan berlari menuju tempat itu.... ". Karena zaman sendiri sudah berubah, kita tidak bisa berpangku tangan. Bahkan cuma sekedar bangun siang ... duduk² sampai sore, berkat datang.... ooooo tidak begitu!!! Kita berjuang Tuhan bantu..... pasti Success is come and always go with you into your way, now and forever. CiaYou
How about YOU ??? :D
4:02 PM | | 0 Comments
World Economy Crisis
Krisis ekonomi yang melanda dunia saat ini sedang "hot" digembar-gemborkan dimedia. Banyak yang bilang krisis ekonomi di Indonesia tidak akan terjadi lagi, namun kenyataanya berbeda. Jatuh bangkrutnya perusahaan Lehman Brothers di USA mengakibatkan Krisis ekonomi saat yang merambat ke seluruh dunia bahkan sampai pasar Asia.
Berbondong-bondong masyarakat menyerbu Money Changer untuk membeli US$. Mengapa? karena US$ menguat di posisi Rp 9,800 bahkan hingga Rp 10,250 per US$. Japanese Yen berada pada posisi 103.70 rupiah per Yen, bahkan South Korean Won jatuh hingga 7.42 rupiah per Won.
(per October 10, 2008. Untuk update currency di bagian bawah blog).
Mereka mendadak membeli Dollar secara massal karena harga dollar yang kian menanjak, sehingga besok ketika harganya lebih tinggi akan dijual dan tentu saja mendapat untung beberapa rupiah.
Ya, usaha mereka berspekulasi untuk mencari keuntungan ditengah resesi dunia saat ini bisa dibilang tepat. Kalau saya pribadi pengen beli South Korea Won aja. Harga 7.42 per Won itu lumayan baik ketimbang beberapa hari sebelumnya yang mencapai 8.9 rupiah per Won.
3:17 PM | | 0 Comments
Gunbound Proxy
now i'm a student in a Vocational School in Solo, Indonesia. i'm like to play Gunbound WC. But i'm have any problem....
The problem is Gunbound is blocked. I'm so sad, because i cannot play my Gunbound on school.
I'm want any solution. Anyone can help me?
or give me Proxy ID and Password to play this game?
9:48 AM | | 0 Comments