SPEEDY on SMK 2 Solo

Thursday, October 16, 2008 some Telkom Speedy official came to SMK N 2 Solo. They meet Mr. Kasmadi (the Master of TKJ) in front of ICT-SLO, to discussed about Speedy bandwith instalation on SMKN 2 Surakarta.

Saturday, October 18, 2008 SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta got free bandwidth from Telkom Speedy for first time, but this is i think.
After a few month, Mr. Kasmadi said, that our Speedy bandwidth is not free, but SMK 2 must pay plus minus $ 75 per month....
The Student of TKJ (Computer and Networking Technic) in Class II TKJ-C (Student Level 2) have an opportunity for trying Speedy bandwith on first time.
We from TKJ student of SMK 2 Solo said "Thank you so much Telkom for Speedy Bandwith 'Speedy, Speed that we can trust' "


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