Friday, December 12, 2008 i'm received a Short Message in Cell Phone. She invite me to make introduction. I'm so happy having much friends. She's name is Dania Wulandari with telephone number +6281226106697 (Indonesian Number). She said that she not have a faithful friend. Not like me I'm always happy cause having much friends. Anyone may be my friend ( my friendster). I'm so glad if having friend in Foreign (especially Korea, Taiwan ^_^, all).

But she having whimsy personality. Yeh... i'm not angry... but she Sent me Short message that she apologize about she's $#%@#%@^@%^@&#$%^ and i'm reply her Short Message that i'm always give her spirit for life... Not to weak spirit... So she infact reply my Short message ... " I'm just kidding, one person cheated ... "
It's secondly she said to me by Short Message... Then I'm annoyed, so i'm not give care to she again... ^_^
For me ... that's no problem (HAHA... :-D) but i'm reply for last. " TRUE FRIENDSHIP IS STARTED WITH SMILE AND MEETING not with SMS (Short Message) ". From there, i think A man or people can be FRIEND or BEST FRIEND ㄹ갸둥 ㄹ갸둥 STARTED WITH MEETING AND SMILE AND ONE SENTENCE " CAN I BE YOUR FRIEND OR BROTHER ? ". KAMSHAHAMNIDA, CIAYOU. GOD BLESS YOU ^_^


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