Security Issue for American, European, and East Asian Tourist

Annyong Hashimneeka
One tourist of Singapore Thursday, November 27, 2008 yesterday was reported be a victim of Terrorism in Mumbai, India...
And hundreds people hostaged by Terrorist, most of them are American, European people. I'm so sorry to hear that, but i'm pray for their safety. So, they can Safe everywhere they be there.
It's possibility that the Terrorist in South Asia or arround. I'm hope if You want to go to Asian Country, i'm not agree if in Thailand (Phucket), Arabian, Malaysia, Indonesia(Except Solo City). Cause the Security Issue. But i'm wan't give a recommendation to Solo (Indonesia), All place in South Korea, Taiwan, PRC (Shanghai), or place where you can found a peace , bless and lucky like Solo, Seoul, All place in South Korea, Taiwan, Shanghai and Beijing.


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