Solar Eclipse Ring In Afternoon Chinese New Year

Yesterday, Monday, January 26, 2008 at approximately 4.05pm. There are a scarce phenomena that occur not everyday or every year, but i can feel it. News in TV broadcast that in Indonesia will be Solar Eclipse for a few minute in afternoon. And start from 3.00pm to 4 pm. The sky look unclear and more and dark. It continued with blast of wind, the wind is blowing, and at 4.05pm, the weather rainy. I'm have sufficient time to take a picture about that ambience.

And that day, is coincide with Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year 2560) 新家 day. We believe, the rain describe about blessing that poured down to every people in this Year and so forever. This Year is Year of Buffalo, Year of Opportunity, Year of success, Year of Hard Work. So... keep Your Spirit 加油 恩 谢谢 恭喜发财。温铯局以恶
文喜如一俄 이용데 이용대


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